Shop for you as a private seller
Private sellers can also open a shop on Tradera. Collector’s or Mini Price Shop is good for those who sell a lot at a fixed price. The Prolister publishing tool is easy to use if you have many ads. Do you have a business? Read more about company stores.
Collector's shop
✓ 10 000 shop ads
✓ Login ProLister
✓ 3 kr minimum commission
Applies only to shop ads with used goods or unused goods of a collector’s nature that cannot be bought new today. Condition needs to be set to used regardless.
295 kr / month
Mini price shop
✓ 10 000 shop ads
✓ Login ProLister
✓ 0 SEK minimum commission
Applies only to shop ads with goods sold for 30 SEK or less. For items selling for £31 or more, the commission is 15% in the Mini Price Shop.
245 kr / month
All stores are subject to a one-month notice period. In addition to the monthly cost of the store, fees are added according to the regular price list.
Please note! New production may not be sold in stores on Tradera.
Smart tool for those who sell a lot
- Log in with your regular Tradera login
- Create and edit multiple ads at the same time
- Schedule publication
- Set the time interval between ads
- Manage your sales directly in ProLister