Services and gift cards

Gift cards are allowed as long as they are from a known store or company. This is provided that the goods or services are allowed to be sold at Tradera.

Why do we have this rule?

This policy helps us in providing a safe and secure trading page for all of our users. We reserve the right to decide which services and gift cards are allowed on our site. 
During large events some exceptions to this rule might be made but only with permission from Tradera.


Examples of restricted items

  • Listings for virtual relationships
  • Massage or other forms of intimate contact including dates, partnership etc. 
  • Gift cards made out by individuals
  • Gift cards from companies that can't be considered well established

Allowed with restrictions

Allowed with restrictions

  • Services sold and provided by well established companies as long as Tradera has approved the sale.
  • Gift cards or tickets that is passed use by date as long as they are clearly collectibles.


Examples of allowed items

  • Cinema gift cards from SF
  • Gift cards from established travel agencies
  • Custom made items, see our policy for custom items.