Software and electronic media
There are some restrictions when it comes to selling software at Tradera. Some software are prohibited by law to sell, others require a license or is only to be sold with the original hardware.
There is also some restrictions for selling items that are delivered electronically.
Why do we have this rule?
These rules are in place to help our users follow the laws and regulations around selling software. There is also harmful software that might have a negative impact on Tradera or our users.
Examples of restricted items
- Beta, test and evaluation copies
- Software, freeware and shareware on CD-R or USB
- Game accounts, game characters, game currency, virtual objects and invites to games or other online services.
Allowed with restrictions
Allowed with restrictions
- Academic software is only to be sold by authorized sellers of educational material
- OEM-software (Original Equipment Manufacturer, software provided and locked to a specific hardware) as long as it is sold with the original hardware.
- Software as long as you are allowed by the copyright owner to sell the product digitally
- Software sold by an authorized re-seller with rights to online distribution of said software.
- NFT-art, as long as the sale has been approved in advance by Tradera. Generally the listing needs to include both a physical and a digital piece in order to be approved
Examples of allowed items
- Gift cards for Xbox live and Playstation
- Gift cards for Netflix and similar services
- A legit CD version of software.