Counterfeit bills, coins and stamps

Selling bills, coins and stamps at Tradera is allowed. The sale of counterfeit versions is restricted, however.

Why do we have this rule?

Most counterfeit bills, coins and stamps are prohibited by law. 


Examples of restricted items

  • Counterfeit bills and coins
  • Counterfeit stocks, bonds and securities
  • Counterfeit money orders

Allowed with restrictions

Coin replicas

  • Reproductions, replicas and copies of coins (both Swedish and foreign), as long as they are clearly marked as a copy/replica.
  • If the coin is a reproduction/new minting this will have to be readily apparent in the listing

Stamp replicas

  • Genuine stamps with false or improved postmarks 
  • Genuine stamps with manipulated borders
  • False letters where the letter isn't the original
  • Counterfeits of well documented stamps where it's readily apparent that the stamp is a counterfeit with its own collector's value, counterfeits made by Jean de Sperati is one example of approved counterfeits

Valid payment method

  • Valid or recently valid currency as long as there is a clear collectors value


Examples of allowed items

  • Real coins
  • Real bills
  • Real stamps