What should I do with my old phone?
Whether you choose to leave the phone to your children, give it to a friend or sell it, the environmental impact will be less than simply recycling it. Often, mobile phones end up used mobile phones in a drawer, gathering dust until they are so old that they no longer have any value, even though a few years old, but fully functional, iPhone can usually be used for a few more years.
We therefore recommend that you sell your phone as soon as possible after getting a new one, while the resale value is as high as possible. With our smart tips, you can optimize the selling price while making the sale easy.
Reset before you sell your iPhone
One of the first things to do is to transfer what you want to save and then delete the content you have stored on your phone. Thanks to Apple’s technology, it’s very easy to reset your phone so that everything disappears, at least in most models. You can delete photos, messages and other information in just a few seconds through the settings in your phone.
To reset your iPhone, follow these steps:
Want to save the information on your phone to your next phone? Then you can transfer the information via iCloud, Finder or iTunes. If you have a new iPhone, you can transfer the data from your old device to your new one using “Quick Start”. However, this only works if you have iOS 11 or later.
Then sign out of iCloud on your phone. Remember not to delete anything from your iCloud account if you are signed in with your Apple ID, as this will delete the content from all devices that are signed in.
If you have an Apple Watch paired with your iPhone, unpair it.
Log out of the AppStore, iCloud and iTunes.
Go to settings, general and press delete all content and settings.
If you have multiple Apple devices, remove your phone from the list of trusted devices, and Find My iPhone and Activation Lock will be deactivated.
Sell used iPhone – step by step
There are a few things you should keep in mind when posting the ad for your old phone.
- Reset the phone as described above.
- Find the accessories. Do you still have the box left? It can always be an advantage for those who want to buy, just like sending with associated cords. If you also have a nice mobile phone case or accessory for your phone, this can further increase interest.
- Take good pictures. Inget ser så tråkigt ut som en mobil med fingeravtryck på skärmen. Kom ihåg att putsa upp skärmen ordentligt så att den ser välskött ut. Om du har ett skärmskydd – ta av det så ser telefonen mer oanvänd ut. Men tänk på att ta av skärmskyddet försiktigt, utan att skada telefonen.
- Describe the phone. Vilket skick är telefonen i? Skicket avgör ofta vad slutpriset landar på, en tydlig beskrivning gör att köpare vet vad de kan förvänta sig och vågar buda. Är det nyskick, lätt sliten, har sprickor eller är trasig? Beskriv också hur mycket minne den har och om den är låst till en operatör eller ej. Det kan också vara intressant att veta vilken iOS-version som finns installerad, samt hur batterihälsan för mobilen är. Apple är kända för att marknadsföra sina produkter genom särskilda release-events. Lägg med en länk till presentationen av din modell så kan det bli mer attraktivt för köparen.
- Price your mobile. Hur mycket du kan få för din gamla iPhone beror på flera saker, som modell, skick, tillbehör, osv. Andra saker, som till exempel hur många andra begagnade mobiler som finns tillgängliga samtidigt och om det är innan eller efter löning kan också spela in. Att börja med ett lågt utropspris leder ofta till ett högre slutpris, då fler kan bli intresserade av att vara med och buda. Det går alltid att sätta ett reservationspris om du inte vill sälja den för under en viss summa, så det är en strategi som kan löna sig.
Increase the value of your iPhone 7
iPhone 7 was one of the last Apple models to be made with an aluminum back. This means that it is in many ways less susceptible to damage and cracks that can occur in the later models with a glass back. Instead, it is the glass on the front that is vulnerable and can break. If you have a cracked screen, it can therefore be good to review whether it is worth repairing the screen before selling to see if you can increase the value. It is usually possible to repair it – but the price can vary depending on whether you choose to replace it with an original screen or with a screen from another manufacturer.
Ahead of sales of iPhone 8 and later (iPhone X, iPhone 11 and iPhone 12)
What makes the iPhone 8 and later models differ slightly from the iPhone 7 in that they have a glass back, which is needed for wireless charging to work. Of course, this also makes the phone more sensitive, especially if you have not had it in a mobile phone case that protects the phone from falling damage. Usually it is the edges that are most vulnerable when you drop the phone, so try to see if you can also clean them up before you sell the phone.
What often tends to get worse over time is the mobile battery. You can check the battery status of your phone yourself under settings and mobile health. There you can see how your battery is performing right now and how the capacity is compared to a brand new phone. This can be worth checking before you sell it on, as it makes it easier to assess how you should formulate your phone.